Physics HL

Revision Summary

Circular Motion and Gravitation

Where does it appear? How much does it count?

(Calculations for the tables below were made based on past exams from May 2016 until May 2022)


Approximate number of marks

Approximate percentage of your final IBDP Physics grade

Paper 1

1-2 mark

(out of 40)

0.6 %

Paper 2

3-5 marks

(out of 90)

1.7 %

Overall percentage of your IB Physics grade based on Topic 6

2.3 %

What to study?

Sub-topic 6.1 – Circular motion

  • Basic circular motion terminology: period, frequency, angular displacement, angular velocity
  • Centripetal acceleration, centripetal force + related equations (see Data Booklet)
  • Vertical and horizontal circular motion 


Sub-topic 6.2 – Newton’s law of gravitation

  • Newton’s law of gravitation + related equation (see Data Booklet)
  • Newton’s law of gravitation combined with circular motion
  • Gravitational field strength definition + related equation (see Data Booklet)

Topic Specific PaperPlainz Resources

Video Concept Explanations

Circular Motion and Gravitation

Circular Motion
Newton’s Law of Gravitation
HL Questionbank

Circular Motion and Gravitation

HL Past Exam Video Solutions by Topic

Circular Motion and Gravitation

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